Manpower Availability Status (MAS) Code
Administrative MAS Codes
- AAP Admin action pending which may preclude mob
- ACB Not selected for continuation
- ACR Conditional release from the Navy Reserves
- AFP Security Clearance Issue
- AKE Key state/local employee
- APB Enlisted probationary drill status (UNSAT)
- ARR Retirement request submitted or pending approval
- AS1 Affil. within 7-12 mos from RELACDU – 12 mos defer
- AS2 Within 6 months of HYT
- AS3 Member is single parent (non-custodial); no FCP
- ASD Member has active/reserve spouse needing FCP
- ASF Member ineligible for force protection duties
- ASO Sole surviving son/daughter
- ASP Member single parent/guardian needing FCP
- AUP Unsatisfactory driller
- MPT Two PFA failures in the past three years
- TS1 Affil. within 6 mos from RELACDU – 24 mos defer
Medical / Dental MAS Codes
- MDF Dental Class IV
- MDT Dental Class III
- MNN Not physically qualified for deployment OCONUS
- MPC Pregnant
- MPP Non deployable mother child < 12 months old
- MPQ Temp. not physically qualified for Mobilization
- MS1 Temp not physically qualified, MRR/PEB submitted
Training MAS Codes
- OWS Member on ADSW
- SAD Sanctuary risk – has 16 years or more of active duty
- TBH NPS Basic/DCO, IADT, school not completed
- THS Mobilization Capacity Hold
- TMS Attending authorized medical school
- TRL Attending validated religious leader training
- TRP PRISE-R/designator/rate conversion training
- VOL Volunteer for mobilization/recall
Other MAS Codes – No longer in use
- MP1 Medical spare
- MS2 Medical spare
- MS3 Medical spare
- OAT Member on AT/ADT
- OTN On ADT less than 180 days not in support of OPS
- OTS On ADT less than 180 days in support of a crisis
- TBX Less than 84 days of active duty (CONUS mob only)
- TCB CB-Vet program
- TDX Completed IADT
- TS2 Training spare
- TS3 Training spare
- TSP Stipend participation
- VLI Volunteer for INCONUS only
- VLO Volunteer for OCONUS only
- VLU Volunteer to go with assigned Unit only
- VS1 Volunteer spare
- VS2 Volunteer spare
Find out about Navy IMS Codes
Hello Bob,
what is the process to change a navy mas code from MNN to VOL?
Hi Bob,
What does the MAS code ZZZ mean? Its not in my Navy Decoder App.
I believe MNN means the member has a delinquency related to medical / physical. This usually can only be removed by the medical department. While you have an MNN I do not think you can have a VOL at same time as they conflict, so to say. To get the VOL, reach out to the PERS department mobilization branch and tell them. I’d call the NPC 66 ASK phone number and they can point you to the correct person.
Hi Sandy,
If your MAS code is MNN, it means that you are NOT physically qualified for deployment, therefore, you can NOT volunteer for a mobilization. First you have to get clearance from medical. Once the Navy finds you physically qualified for deployment, you can then reach out to your OPERATIONS Department to volunteer for a mob and your MANPOWER Department to update your MAS code. I hope this helps.
Hi Daniel,
I have not yet heard of the Navy MAS Code ZZZ.
I am just curious, where did you hear about it?
Just like you, I would like to find out more about it.
Thanks David for your feedback.
I agree with you. The member will first need to clear medical before volunteering for a mobilization.
MNN does not mean delinquency and will not prevent you from volunteering for MOB. I am on a MOB right now and I have MNN. It simply means you have to get a waiver in the AOR you are headed to. For my condition, CENTCOM denied me deploying to AFG but accepted me deploying to BAH.
MNN in normally not a mistake, it is usually assigned after a Medical review board (MRB)and is typically chronic (not going away). Yes, if you are able to rid your self of the condition that generated the MRB then you can ask for a re determination and probably get it cleared.
Glad to hear that this has worked in your favor. For me, despite being 40% service-connected disabled and stable rated for ten years, I was on ADSW and got tagged for MOB to Djibouti. Circumstances have changed. Yes, I got an AOR waiver for CONUS. I’m a MNN (but PERS-47 cannot see our MNN) and have been assigned VOL status in the past and trying for a decade to mobilize. CNIFR tagged me involuntarily and five days after receiving orders they cancelled the orders and told me I am on medical hold . I’m shocked because I got my waiver for the current set of CONUS ADSW orders. It was a gift from PERS. I’m at an echelon 1 Command and feel this was a way to keep me from reaching completion
Hey Bob,
My MAS code is THS. I am trying to go on a set of order to NRC for Officer Recruiting. Will the code have any effect on me getting orders?
What does AFP Security Clearance Issue mean if you are doing a recheck after 10 years just curious
Hey I’m looking at my ETJ next to my MAS it says N/A.
what are the MAS codes RM2 and RM3 mean?
Hi Kimberly,
RM2/3 are not MAS codes but rather IMS code.
I cover them at:
Here is your answer:
-RM1 Gained to active duty. Reservist officially mobilized. (system generated)
-RM2 Reported to ultimate duty station
-RM3 Remaining on active duty